Greeting Card Verses Birthday Sister


Friends may come and go but sisters are forever.

Happy Birthday


I could cross the world and never find a sister

as amazing as you! You are a treasure and a rare gem.

I love you so much.


Happy Birthday to my lovely sister

it's Funny to think that when we were kids

I would've never thought of saying that in a million years.


Thank you for being such a great sister all these years. 

Have a wonderful birthday.


I'm so lucky to have a sister like you!

My mistake, I meant to say you're so lucky to have a sister like me!

Sending you big birthday wishes sis!


Happy Birthday to my smart, funny and beautiful

elder sister who reminds me a lot of myself!


You may be the queen today

but remember who wears the crown

the other 364 days of the year!

Happy birthday, sister.


I'm so lucky to have a beautiful kind-hearted sister like you.

Thank you for being there for my over the years.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday.